Citesc de ceva vreme blogu ista. Nu e despre ceva anume, nu e pretentios, e palpabil, rotund si echilibrat. Cum ai sade bine unui blog. Si unei tzatze. Aparuse at a point un quote dintr-o petitie online dubioasa despre legea lu peste prajit care o sa ne asculte telefoanele, calculatoarele si parul din nas.. am vrut sa scriu ce-as face eu cu petitia aia in lipsa de alta forma de hartie in apropiere da' n-am mai avut timp. Tineam totusi sa o includ in blogocercu meu cumva.
So here I was, doing nothing, clicka clicka, google translate...
Este dumenzeu, vb lu badea!! Postul original il puteti citi aici.. desi nu prea mai conteaza :))
Cu accent pe "when u birth a thousand plods", "you sex instead of food", "dear public lazar of miles" (what does that meeean?????) si apoteoticul "I have a great raca for which plosnitele vain for years for my money"
" In my daily hoinarelile certain sites "cultural" and with great outlet to people who read the Buda, see the following article I look Poverty! Article article that newspapers Buda, nothing impressive, nothing spectacular. What I really ingretosat next thing is how the children can run as rabbits and cersesti milostenia public. One thousand mean I should be miles as bei water pool, and pay rent to the state 40 ron for something more less than a sty? Well, excuse my impertinence, but when you birth a thousand plozi not you think you're stupid and can not do anything for them? Um, I understand, you sex instead of food, sex in industrial quantities you place the piece of bread which would have to put in the belly. I like a lady out, the state's fault because you live a life of garbage.
It's bad news for you, dear public lazar of miles. Even though most will blame me, I will be supporting, it is not obliged to do anything. You are obliged to do something for you. Vorba Talking to someone "do not ask what the state can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for the state." I understand wrong, but I have a great raca for which plosnitele vain for years for my money, and those who go to work every day, whether it will be not. And how much more and poured plozi. I have nothing to plozii, my dear fixed at 0, after that I came to kill them, but that's the idea"
luni, 26 ianuarie 2009
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Mmmmkay... I'll play this game :P
RăspundețiȘtergerein mod evident "ţaţă"! N-ai citit comentarii in scoala la domnu' Goe? Tanti Mita era o femeie pretentioasa, palpabila, rotunda si echilibrata.
Pe cand sanii(ca sa nu ne mai confuzam reciproc), toata lumea stie ca sunt dusmanosi, de neatins, triunghiulari si dezechilibrati (stangu mai mare ca dreptu, mi se sopteste din public).
sa mor, de 30 de sec incerc sa imi explic ce public ai tu cand scri treburile astea pe blog.....
RăspundețiȘtergereti-ai luat pisica soptitoare?
da. numita si whispering pussy! kinky, n'est ce pas?
RăspundețiȘtergeremerci de comentariu, asa am ajuns sa citesc mai mult de 2 randuri pe un blog(care sa nu fie al meu) :P
RăspundețiȘtergeresi asta e bine?